Are You Looking for Mafia Rush 3D APK V 1.0?
If you are looking Mafia Rush 3D APK V 1.0 you have come to the right place. Now you can Download Mafia Rush 3D APK V 1.0 online - FREE - For Your android Smartphone or android Tablets.
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to play a gangster game…
Mafia Rush is the gangster game you have been waiting for. With unique visuals, deep and dynamic gameplay as well as a ton of items and weapons to unlock, Mafia Rush is the Don of the genre.
Defend yourself and your loot against waves of bad guys in four different modes of play; Robbery, Defend, Attack, and Survival. Each mode offers something different and will test you in a new way!
Earn experience and cash as you complete stages that you can use to level up your character’s agility, speed and health. You can also buy new weapons and items from Sentry Guns to Rocket Launchers!
As you play through the campaign unlock new areas to control. Keep an Ace in the hole as you collect playing cards to uncover these new areas and build your way up to running the big city!
Mirrors: Mafia Rush Apk (HVGA,QVGA,WVGA,TAB)
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