Are You Looking for Urban Chaser 3D Armv6 APK (Speed 3D Racing)?
If you are looking Urban Chaser 3D Armv6 APK (Speed 3D Racing) you have come to the right place. Now you can Download Urban Chaser 3D Armv6 APK (Speed 3D Racing) online - FREE - For Your android Smartphone or android Tablets.
Speed, action, power, adventure!
* Dozens of top-notch racing vehicles, thousands of parts for modification, and just one mantra: Winner takes all!
* 30 story levels and 11 characters throughout the eight game modes. Cars race down the city track with lightening speed.
* 80 arena levels, 11 legendary drivers, a unique energy-slot system, gesture command to control the racing action, and new and unique gameplay.
* Urban construction features: upgrade the shops, your own home, harvest resources, and gain strength. Try out the street challenge mode.
* Hire Talent Assistants. Each lovely female assistant offers the player her own special abilities, bringing new features and challenges to the game.
* WIFI real-time battle. Invite your friends to an intense duel!
Require Android: 2.2 and UP
Download Link:
Urban Chaser3D APK(HVGA,QVGA,WVGA,Tablet)
Urban Chaser3D APK(HVGA,QVGA,WVGA,Tablet)
Install APK and PLAY.
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